
Looking to integrate with Rippling?

Finch helps developers connect to hundreds of HRIS and payroll systems through our unified API.

Add Rippling to your list of integrations

As an approved developer partner of Rippling, Finch has a pre-built integration ready for you to use. Finch developers can list their application on Rippling’s App Shop.

Fast, secure employer authentication

Receive updates daily or on-demand

Never miss a change to employee directory

Benefits of building with Finch

Support for unified and native formats

If you want to access data outside our unified data schema, Finch can help you make direct API requests to Rippling.

Technical support at every step

Our developer success team is on-call to help with implementation and support.

Unlock more integrations with a few clicks

Need more integrations? It’s easy to enable other HRIS and payroll providers in our network.

Get started today

Request your API keys