Workday, enterprise management software, is live via Finch!

December 9, 2021
0 min read
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Workday is now compatible with Finch, bringing the total number of Finch-compatible providers to 115 thus improving coverage and flexibility for developers.

Workday: an innovative, cutting-edge enterprise software solution

Workday started in 2005 when two software visionaries, Aneel Bhusri and Dave Duffield, decided to start a company that would transform the enterprise software market. The company quickly launched two revolutionary product offerings - Workday Human Capital Management in 2006 and Workday Financial Management in 2007. They went public in October 2012 and celebrated their 10th anniversary in 2015, with more than 1,000 customers, each with 500+ employees.

Today, Workday supports more than 9,500 customers globally with more than 50 customers employing 100,000 employees. As of September 2021, the platform manages records for 120 million people including 55 million active employees. Today, the platform continues to expand its full suite of services to create a more cohesive enterprise experience.

How do I get access to the Workday integration?

Sign up for Finch by clicking the Request Access button in the top right of our website. (If you’re already a Finch customer, then you already have access to the Workday integration.)

With Finch, you get access to the Workday integration as well as 110+ other major employment providers (QuickBooks, ADP RUN, Gusto, and more). You do not have to worry about integration updates, maintenance, or issues, as Finch’s team owns all technical requirements for each employment provider and provides you with one universal API.

97% of HR professionals say it’s important for your app to integrate with their employment systems

Learn more in our State of Employment Technology report ->

97% of HR professionals say it’s important for your app to integrate with their employment systems

Download the report to learn more

Start building with Finch

Get your API keys or contact us for more information.