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TempoPay writes payroll deductions 4X faster with Finch

November 21, 2023
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TempoPay uses Finch to power their integrations and write payroll deductions 4x faster. Learn more about their journey to make healthcare affordable for all.

TempoPay is a financial benefits platform that enables employers to remove the financial barriers that prevent their employees from accessing healthcare. The company’s mission is to empower people to access healthcare when they need it, without worrying about affordability concerns. Founded in 2021 by Tim Danison, Erika Davison-Aviles, and Joshua Goldstein, the company was conceptualized, built, and launched from within Redesign Health

The Challenge

“Financial barriers shouldn’t prevent people from staying healthy,” says Hattie Ninteau, TempoPay’s Marketing Manager. “But they do today.” 

Hattie knows what she’s talking about: According to a Kaiser Family Foundation study, more than half of U.S. adults said they delayed getting medical attention in the past year due to an affordability concern. Even those who are insured often cannot afford care due to high deductibles, especially when faced with rising inflation. 

For employers, that means more sick days are used, along with a significant loss of productivity.

“Whether or not an employee seeks healthcare impacts their employer,” says Hattie. “It influences both if and how they show up to work.”

TempoPay’s founding team envisioned a solution that would help employees pay for out-of-pocket healthcare expenses—the ones traditional health benefits too often fail to cover. Employees would download a mobile app, register in under two minutes, and instantly get access to a TempoPay card. They could leverage the funds right away to pay for healthcare—unexpected or planned. TempoPay would finance the cost, secured by the individual’s employment. 

It quickly became clear that TempoPay would need a way to write after-tax deductions back to each individual's payroll. Traditionally this burden would fall on the HR administrator, but TempoPay knew that wasn’t an option.

“SFTP and flat file uploads were out of the question,” said Erika Davison-Aviles, Co-Founder & Head of Product, TempoPay. “Manual file uploads are not only time-consuming, they’re wrought with errors. They simply didn’t align with our vision.”

Reducing the burden on employers would be key to getting employees fast access to the care they so desperately needed. 

The Solution

TempoPay’s founding team began to search for a solution that would empower them to build an MVP. They needed to find an API product that could both read vital employment data and write deductions back to each employer’s payroll system. 

This was the only path forward. After all, they wanted to provide a frictionless user experience for everyone. 

“Employers don’t want to jump through hoops to figure out how to deliver benefits to their employees,” said Hattie. “They want simple, set-it-and-forget-it solutions.” 

Through thoughtful research and market analysis, the TempoPay team identified Finch, the unified API for the employment ecosystem, as a potential partner. 

The TempoPay team did their due diligence: They assessed several unified APIs and iPaaS providers. But only Finch offered the ability to both read the employee’s payroll frequency and write deductions back to their payroll system.

“Frankly, there were no other solutions that could support our vision and facilitate writing payroll deductions automatically,” said Erika. “Finch had the technology and functionality that best met our product needs.” 

The Benefits of Using Finch

After becoming a Finch customer, the TempoPay team was thrilled.

“Implementation was straightforward, and the impact was immediate,” said Erika. “Finch's assisted integrations are leagues ahead of the typical batch file process. Instead of waiting a month for new deductions to process, we can make updates every week. That’s lightning speed in our niche.”

In other words, TempoPay can now write payroll deductions over 4X faster. 

The end-user experience exceeded Hattie’s expectations. 

“Employers literally just press a button. It typically takes 30 seconds to onboard through Finch Connect," said Hattie.

As a result, they were able to achieve industry-leading adoption rates.

For Erika, the experience with Finch’s developer success team also stands out. 

“Every time I share product requirements and emphasize the need to move quickly toward a solution, the Finch team delivers. It’s the quintessential case study for agile.”

Together, the TempoPay and Finch teams are testing the limits of how deductions are managed.

“Every time an employee’s card is swiped, a new payment plan is triggered and their deductions change as a result,” said Erika. “For us, that means that every employer, every employee, and every pay period is unique.”

While the initial MVP build took some time, they’ve since enjoyed “months of smooth sailing” while providing healthcare benefit solutions the industry never before thought possible.

Looking forward, the TempoPay team plans to continue innovating. They recently expanded into pet care and veterinary expenses, and are offering more comprehensive employee benefits and financial wellness solutions that give employees access to critical funds when they need it most. 

“We’re growing quickly and Finch has been a fantastic partner throughout our journey, helping us realize our vision of providing financial benefits that meet the needs of the modern-day employee.”

Their customers are eager for the TempoPay team to solve new and related problems. With Finch as a partner, they’re able to fulfill most requests. 

“I’m confident in our growing platform because I know we have Finch as our partner,” said Erika. 

At Finch, we’re excited to partner with game-changing applications like TempoPay. If you’re interested in exploring data integrations, reach out to our sales team or start building with our unified API.

More about TempoPay

TempoPay is available 24/7/365 and employers can bring TempoPay to their company anytime. There’s no need for employees to wait until an enrollment or onboarding period starts. There is no need for credit checks. Employees pay zero fees and no interest. They can choose to repay via payroll deductions or their personal bank account—providing them with a significant degree of flexibility. 

The social impact is profound. Employees can access care when needed, including medications or treatments that their health insurance plan doesn't cover. That’s helpful, for example, when you need to schedule a costly surgery. Or when your doctor prescribes a new medication that costs several hundred dollars to fill.

TempoPay works with each employer to understand their unique employee population. They then make a recommendation regarding an appropriate and responsible spending limit, which usually ranges from $1,500 to $5,000. True to their commitment to flexibility, they can support different benefit configurations such as spending categories and funding options. This enables the team to work creatively with employers seeking a modern financial wellness solution for healthcare expenses and more. 

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